Ah, this is more like it! Someone has realised how important that final push is:
Hello my lovely Henry!!!
Good evening!!! How passes your day today? I hope that you to have very good day and you today not once to think of me and about our meeting. I hope that our meeting to do so that you to move faster and you to hasten to read my mail and when you receive it you is really happy.
I am valid I can not wait more our meeting, I will think that it very beautifully when we to meet. For these some days I very strongly to get used to you and now I to not represent, that will be if we to not meet. Our meeting is really very important for me, now it is an overall objective during my life.
Tomorrow there will be the most responsible day in all our history and a meeting. Tomorrow I to go in embassy and to receive my visa, whether I to understand that it is very much exciting moment during my life and that depends on tomorrow's day that there will be our meeting. I shall have many questions from your ambassador and he will speak with me and whether I can decide to visit your country.
You should not worry, I will think that all well and our meeting will be the best ending in our correspondence.
When I receive my visa I can to go in travel agency and to buy my ticket, I really think that we shall not have what problems and our meeting will be very fast.
I very much ask to not break my heart, for it let and not big time I really to fall in love with you, and now I do not want that you have broken my heart. I to think of you and about our meeting many times and I to understand that the letter to give us not so much, how many we shall receive when we shall have our meeting. When we shall meet we can to speak, and to learn more about us. I really want to appear in your embraces and to be yours, I very gentle woman which want only love and caress. I want to have only good and happy family, and I think that we can
to find it in our attitudes. I understand that we simply should have our meeting. As I to trust now to you, I want to give for you a small gift. I will think that it very much to like you and you to love me even more. I to send you my very good picture, and I want to tell to you that all this that that you will have when we will together. And I will promise you that all this to yours when, we will to love us. I to trust in that that I to not be mistaken in the choice and I to find which that person I searched.
I really should go to sleep now. At us in Moscow really now night, and I shall sleep now. Tomorrow I shall have very heavy day, I shall be nervous much, but I will think that my excitements are vain.
Have good day today, and I hope that you to think about our meeting during all day. And I will be valid to think that my picture to like you.
Gentle and soft kisses for you, up to a meeting.
Yours Tatyana,
Did you notice a little judicious application of guilt there? By this point, I'm not even maintaining the vaguest pretense of interest, and simply enjoying writing the most outrageous things I think I can get away with:
Good evening!!! How passes your day today?
It's been ever so slow, and I've had very little to do except think of you and everything I'm going to do with you.
You should not worry, I will think that all well
I will be thinking of you, and wishing you the best
I very much ask to not break my heart
Well, I've been very clear that I think you're being a little naive to get so emotionally involved with so little encouragement, but it is very endearing nonetheless. If you're as cute in person, I can't imagine there being any problems.
I to send you my very good picture
And a very lovely picture it is. I'd lecture you again about trusting men you've not met with your gorgeous body, but then I'm afraid you wouldn't hold it against me, so no more of that from me.
I shall be nervous much, but I will think that my
excitements are vain.
I'm sure you'll be fine. Chin up, chest out, back straight, knees spread - like a soldier, you will overcome!
Your faithful master,
Tomorrow's V-day, and should prove to be interesting indeed...