On Wednesday 18th July 2007, a rare item of spam found its way into my mailbox out of the thousands that get shunted aside by Gmail. Normally, I'd just mark it as Junk Mail and spend no further time on it, but something about the tone of the email caught my attention, or perhaps it was just that I had time on my hands. Either way, I read through the email, and realised that it was a fairly common twist on the basic Russian bride scam. It occurred to me that it might be fun to respond and see how far I could push the scammer, and have a bit of fun with my replies at the same time. It amazed me in the end just how far I was able to take this and how much information I gleaned out of it.
I've backdated the entries to coincide with the actual email dates, so you can follow the story from the oldest entry forwards for maximum effect. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed running it!