Wednesday, 25 July 2007


On Wednesday 18th July 2007, a rare item of spam found its way into my mailbox out of the thousands that get shunted aside by Gmail. Normally, I'd just mark it as Junk Mail and spend no further time on it, but something about the tone of the email caught my attention, or perhaps it was just that I had time on my hands. Either way, I read through the email, and realised that it was a fairly common twist on the basic Russian bride scam. It occurred to me that it might be fun to respond and see how far I could push the scammer, and have a bit of fun with my replies at the same time. It amazed me in the end just how far I was able to take this and how much information I gleaned out of it.

I've backdated the entries to coincide with the actual email dates, so you can follow the story from the oldest entry forwards for maximum effect. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed running it!

I need you.......

Right on schedule, and exactly as anticipated:
Good morning my lovely Henry!!!
I hope, that you O'k!!! It's so???
I have good news and bad. I get my visa today, but it had some difficulties.
When I have come in embassy to me have told, that it will be really difficult. They made check my visa and my travel in your country. It is very difficult however. When I have come to embassy the ambassador asked the many questions. He has asked a question on that who will bear the responsibility about me when I shall be in the your country.
I informed to him that I can take care of myself itself. He has told that knowledge of English language it insufficiently to be in safety.
The ambassador informed me that I should have relatives or the guarantor to fly in the your country. I informed the ambassador that I have no relatives living on territory the your country. I have told to the ambassador about our correspondence with you, but he has told to me, that we
should be familiar long time that you could take the responsibility for me and informed that it will not work. It has very difficult system however.
But they offer to me an exit from this situation. They have told, that I can buy the insurance document. It will have the responsibility for my life in your country. They have told, that if I want to receive visa I should buy this document. If I shall not make this document I never can receive the visa.
I never faced with such problems. I have decided to take consultation from the lawyer all over again. I took consultation from him. I have told to it, that after William has deceived me, I began to search, that person who wants to have and develop relations together with me. I have told him, that now I have very serious relations with you. The lawyer has told me, that it is good, but it will not work for embassy. It is connected by that we are familiar with you not a plenty of time.
The embassy will refuse in receptions of the visa. He has told, that I bought the insurance document. It is a unique correct and reliable choice.
After that I have gone in embassy and we made registration of the insurance document for me.
This document has cost 520 pounds. I had at myself 600 pounds. These are money for purchase of the ticket and residing in your country. Now I have 80 pounds. It will not be enough. I can not arrive to you. Now I need 450 pounds to arrive to you. I understand, that it is very difficult.
But I never collided with such problems. I did not know, that it is so difficult. But I know, that I made a correct choice. I have made everything that we had a meeting with you. I very much want it. If I have not paid this insurance document I never would receive the visa.
But now I have it. I have all documents to arrive to you and we shall have a happy pair
together. But I need 450 pounds. I very much sad!!!
My heart belongs to you. I know, that it is destiny. I am filled with emotions now. I think, that it will work. I do not know, that you think about it. Probably you will not help me and we shall never have a meeting. I do not want it. I want to be only with you. If you can make help for us I shall be very happy. I hope for it very much. It's only your choice.

I send this letter to you with hope, that you will not push away me.
I hope, that all our letters were not an empty phrase.
I am valid need in you.

Yours Tatyana.

P.S I am online now, please to write to me as soon as possible.
One swift response should be all that was needed to get to the heart of the scammer scam; a real identity and address for the scammer or accomplice. I play the following very straight, to ensure I don't scare anyone off at this crucial phase:

I do not want it. I want to be only with you. If you can make help for us I shall be very

That's horrible! How could they charge you so much for insurance? Are you sure you weren't overcharged? I suppose it doesn't matter now though; the money's been spent and at least you've got the visa.

I send this letter to you with hope, that you will not push away me.

How could I push you away after all your lovely letters and pictures and kisses? I'm just not sure how I can help you. What can I do to help? If I write to the embassy, and confirm that I can guarantee accommodation for you over here, maybe they'll let you get a refund on the insurance so you can get a ticket. Or, if you're not to proud to borrow money, I could buy you a ticket and you could pay me back when you get some work? I don't know what you'd prefer, but please let me know how I can help - I'd hate for all your planning to go to waste.
Whoops! There it is:

My love Henry!!!
I am very happy to receive your letter and to know that you very much to want our meeting. I as very much loved your beautiful letters, and now for me is very important to have our meeting. I as want to tell, that in embassy to not give the letter to us the big help because I already spent money for insurance, and now I to have my visa and the insurance document. All that I to require now, it only money for my ticket.
The matter is that I should buy the ticket independently. Also should do it already today or tomorrow. Lovely, to me have told, that the best way to send money is Western Union or Money Gram.
That you might transfer this help to me you should know:

1) My full name - IVANOVA OLGA
2) My full address - Russia, Yoshkar-Ola, Vashskay 19.
That I might receive money I should know:

1) Your full name
2) Your full address
3) MTCN is a confidential code which to you will give after transfer of money.
I very much hope, that you can send 450 pounds and when I to arrive, I was necessary to find work and to give this money to you.
I kiss you, and I wait for your letter.
Yours Tatyana
So, Miss Olga Ivanova, I have you now! I immediately notified both Moneygram and Western Union that I have reason to suspect that fraud is being perpetrated on those details. I also raised the matter with the Ic3, on the chance that it might help some other poor soul.

Since I had the opportunity, I thought I'd push my luck a bit:
The best way to send money through the WESTERN UNION.

Ok, I'm making progress on that. I've given them your details, and the amount that I want transferred. If it's okay with you, I'd like to send a little more than you're asking for, just so you've got funds to show immigration when you arrive here. It just stops them asking awkward questions. So, I'd like to send you £1000, is that ok? You wouldn't have to pay it all back - think of the extra as a welcome gift to the UK.

Because it's not a transfer for business purposes - there's no invoice or any other written request for money - they're asking me to provide photo identification of the recipient, i.e. you. Apparently it's a security measure they've got to prevent the wrong people from collecting money transfers.

Would it be possible to email me a scan of the front page of your passport, please? Actually, any photo id will be fine, as long as it shows your name and your picture. As soon as I can give them a copy, they can authorise the transfer, and I'll have a collection number for you!

Yours in delighted anticipation,
To my great delight, it worked:

I have very little doubt that it's a bogus ID, though, but I can only hope, right? On the principle that time wasted by the scammer on this scam is time taken from another, I decided to send Olga on a fool's errand:
I wait your help.

All done. They say it'll take about 10-15 minutes to clear through, but then you should be able to pick it up at any Western Union branch.

Here are the details:
MTCN: 2926556292
Sender: Henry Cummings
Address: 14 Chalk Hill Road, Norwich, UK

Almost there...


Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Tomorrow my visa!

Ah, this is more like it! Someone has realised how important that final push is:
Hello my lovely Henry!!!
Good evening!!! How passes your day today? I hope that you to have very good day and you today not once to think of me and about our meeting. I hope that our meeting to do so that you to move faster and you to hasten to read my mail and when you receive it you is really happy.
I am valid I can not wait more our meeting, I will think that it very beautifully when we to meet. For these some days I very strongly to get used to you and now I to not represent, that will be if we to not meet. Our meeting is really very important for me, now it is an overall objective during my life.
Tomorrow there will be the most responsible day in all our history and a meeting. Tomorrow I to go in embassy and to receive my visa, whether I to understand that it is very much exciting moment during my life and that depends on tomorrow's day that there will be our meeting. I shall have many questions from your ambassador and he will speak with me and whether I can decide to visit your country.
You should not worry, I will think that all well and our meeting will be the best ending in our correspondence.
When I receive my visa I can to go in travel agency and to buy my ticket, I really think that we shall not have what problems and our meeting will be very fast.
I very much ask to not break my heart, for it let and not big time I really to fall in love with you, and now I do not want that you have broken my heart. I to think of you and about our meeting many times and I to understand that the letter to give us not so much, how many we shall receive when we shall have our meeting. When we shall meet we can to speak, and to learn more about us. I really want to appear in your embraces and to be yours, I very gentle woman which want only love and caress. I want to have only good and happy family, and I think that we can
to find it in our attitudes. I understand that we simply should have our meeting. As I to trust now to you, I want to give for you a small gift. I will think that it very much to like you and you to love me even more. I to send you my very good picture, and I want to tell to you that all this that that you will have when we will together. And I will promise you that all this to yours when, we will to love us. I to trust in that that I to not be mistaken in the choice and I to find which that person I searched.
I really should go to sleep now. At us in Moscow really now night, and I shall sleep now. Tomorrow I shall have very heavy day, I shall be nervous much, but I will think that my excitements are vain.
Have good day today, and I hope that you to think about our meeting during all day. And I will be valid to think that my picture to like you.
Gentle and soft kisses for you, up to a meeting.
Yours Tatyana,
Did you notice a little judicious application of guilt there? By this point, I'm not even maintaining the vaguest pretense of interest, and simply enjoying writing the most outrageous things I think I can get away with:
Good evening!!! How passes your day today?

It's been ever so slow, and I've had very little to do except think of you and everything I'm going to do with you.

You should not worry, I will think that all well

I will be thinking of you, and wishing you the best

I very much ask to not break my heart

Well, I've been very clear that I think you're being a little naive to get so emotionally involved with so little encouragement, but it is very endearing nonetheless. If you're as cute in person, I can't imagine there being any problems.

I to send you my very good picture

And a very lovely picture it is. I'd lecture you again about trusting men you've not met with your gorgeous body, but then I'm afraid you wouldn't hold it against me, so no more of that from me.

I shall be nervous much, but I will think that my
excitements are vain.

I'm sure you'll be fine. Chin up, chest out, back straight, knees spread - like a soldier, you will overcome!

Your faithful master,
Tomorrow's V-day, and should prove to be interesting indeed...


Hello my love Henry!!!
Good morning for you my love!!! I was really very happy to receive your letter and it to do me the happiest woman all over the world, I to not know now as to me to wait our meeting. I have bad dream because I cannot sleep, I think of you and about that that I really shall be happy only with you. I to see your picture and I to see in your eyes that you which that person I searched for all life and I could not find it in Russia, and now when we to have our correspondence I to understand that I is happy.
I would like to clear up in that that I am in Moscow now and I wait my visa here, I should go tomorrow in embassy and receive my visa. As I already to write to you I to be in Moscow and I it is necessary to go in the Internet of cafe to write to you, I to not have a computer in my hotel and I should speak with you only when I to go in cafe.
In Yoshkar-Ola I live with my parents and my parents to see your picture and they to speak that they not against that that I to find more adult the man for myself. To me to speak that the main thing is love. I think that if we really shall love each other when we shall meet that I should undertake trip to Russia only to prolong my visa, and then perhaps we could have our family and to be happy together.
I hope that you to understand all that I to write to you and now you only to wait our meeting, I very much wait for tomorrow's day, I can receive my visa, I will think that this fine time.
I have today excursion on Moscow and it was valid very interestingly for me. I visit last time Moscow in 1995 and I was still very young girl, since then Moscow has very strongly changed. New buildings of shops are constructed many, people began what that others, all where that hasten and run. Everyone is engaged in the business. I had an opportunity today study the Red area, all who when or was in Moscow necessarily comes here and walks here. As people visit Lenin's mausoleum. If you know this person the leader of our people and his body is stored as a mummy with many years. Every year his body dries out also it become ever less and less. It want bury, but why that do not do it.
When I walk today on Moscow I thought about our meeting much, and thought of that as we can as study your city and you will show me sights of the city. It is very interesting to study another's city and look new places. I very much want our meeting and I think that we shall spend very good time together. Please write me what cities and the countries you visited earlier and what city is your most favourite city? You like to visit other countries? Please write me more your and the life? Tell me that you like and what is your hobby?
It really is very interesting me and I frequently think of you and I want know you better. Write to me more about that as has passed your day. I kiss you and I wait for your letter.
Yours Tatyana.
Another duplicate picture? You'd think a harder try would be in order this close to the end:
I have bad dream because I cannot sleep

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. There's nothing more nerve-wracking than waiting for a visa to come through, I know.

I should speak with
you only when I to go in cafe.

That's quite alright. I don't live on the internet either.

perhaps we could have our
family and to be happy together.

For a while, at least.

Please write me what cities and the countries you visited earlier and what city is
your most favourite city? You like to visit other countries?

I've been to most of the major cities in the UK, and abroad in Europe a little as while. Warsaw was quite memorable, but my favourite would have to be Zagreb. It was an unforgettable experience, you could say.

Please write me more your and the life? Tell me that you like and what is your hobby?

Um. Well, there's my pet Architeuthis Dux. You'll be meeting him, that's for sure! - got to do something with the pieces of the body :P

Until then,

Monday, 23 July 2007


Oooh! 'Tatyana' almost blows all 'her' hard work:
Good evening for you my love Henry!!!
I hope that your day to pass well and you have lead very good Today. I am happy that this day to end and up to our meeting remains ever less to time. Each last day to approach me to you...................... To you my love. I to think of it every minute and I to admire with that that I to find you. I the HAPPIEST WOMAN of Russia.................. BECAUSE I SHALL be With YOU.
Today I to see many happy people..................... I to go on Moscow and to see that people love each other. But I to understand what even now when I am not near to you, my heart belongs to you, and I want that you loved me. Loved me as you to love me in your letters.
You are very good to concern to me, any person in Russia to not love me as you, you very kind person. My heart as very kind and you will already see it in environment...................... I shall do care ofyou................... About your house.I cannot believe to that that I to meet you.
I very much to trust in the God..................... And I to thank the God that it to do for me a meeting with you. I always to trust in the God, my life was not so much well, but I knew, that I shall be happy. It is happy because I to do all that I was happy........................... I to think that the person himself to do the happy. When it is impossible to sit and wait that the happiness will come in your house.
I in due time to do to meet you. I to do so, that I to find you..................... Now I to receive my
visa............................. And I shall soon fly to you. And to do it I for my and your love.
I wish to tell to you many thanks that you to write to me the letter................... You have answered me. And you to do it for and my happiness. We with you have made us happy..................... Thanks the God for it.
Today there was a heavy day.............. I to take walk of the pedestrian much, and now I to go to sleep. Let my dream will be only about you........................ I wish to see you in my dream. I want that you saw me in the dream and your dreams.................. Dreams of love and passion.
I kiss you my love.
For ever yours Tatyana.

Good evening for you my love!!!
I hope that your day to pass well and you have lead very good Today. I am happy that this day to end and up to our meeting remains ever less to time. Each last day to approach me to you...................... To you my love. I to think of it every minute and I to admire with that that I to find you. I the HAPPIEST WOMAN of Russia.................. BECAUSE I SHALL be With YOU.
Today I to see many happy people..................... I to go on Moscow and to see that people love each other. But I to understand what even now when I am not near to you, my heart belongs to you, and I want that you loved me. Loved me as you to love me in your letters.
You are very good to concern to me, any person in Russia to not love me as you, you very kind person. My heart as very kind and you will already see it in environment...................... I shall do care ofyou................... About your house.I cannot believe to that that I to meet you.
I very much to trust in the God..................... And I to thank the God that it to do for me a meeting with you. I always to trust in the God, my life was not so much well, but I knew, that I shall be happy. It is happy because I to do all that I was happy.........................
.. I to think that the person himself to do the happy. When it is impossible to sit and wait that the happiness will come in your house.
I in due time to do to meet you. I to do so, that I to find you..................... Now I to receive my
visa............................. And I shall soon fly to you. And to do it I for my and your love.
I wish to tell to you many thanks that you to write to me the letter................... You have answered me. And you to do it for and my happiness. We with you have made us happy..................... Thanks the God for it.
Today there was a heavy day.............. I to take walk of the pedestrian much, and now I to go to sleep. Let my dream will be only about you........................ I wish to see you in my dream. I want that you saw me in the dream and your dreams.................. Dreams of love and passion.
I kiss you my love.
For ever yours Liliya.
Spot that? I was sorely tempted to call the scammer's bluff at this point, because they couldn't possibly believe that anyone is stupid enough to miss that duplication and name change:
I hope that your day to pass well and you have lead very good

Not so good, I'm afraid. Some little bugger obviously decided that it would be funny to glue random pages together in one shelf of books, and I've had to take them out of circulation and re-order them all. So angry! There's another reason I'm a card-carrying member of the VHEMT.


You don't know that! You really need to reel it in; don't put yourself in so much risk! There are so very strange people out there. I should know!

You are very good to concern to me

Aw, shucks, 'tis nothing *blush*

I very much to trust in the God..................... And I to thank the God

God? Which one? Could it be that I have met a fellow Shub-Niggurathian? Oh happy day!

you..................... Now I to receive my
visa............................. And I shall soon fly to you.

You'll know tomorrow, right? Oh, I hope it all goes well for you. Crossing fingers and eyes...

I want that you saw me in the dream and your
dreams.................. Dreams of love and passion.

Oh, no doubt about it. Exquisite torments galore.


P.S. Who is Liliya?
But the wriggling commenced; 'Tatyana' really thought it could be explained away:
I to not know who is Liliya.
It is probable to have it a mistake in my computer who to name it not my name.
I let it go, looking forward to the grand finale too much:
I to not know who is Liliya.
It is probable to have it a mistake in my computer who to name it not my name.

Ah, okay. Don't worry about it, these things do happen. Take care, and have a lovely evening. I'll be heading home soon, and look forward to seeing you soon and hearing from you sooner...

Warm regards,
And 'Tatyana' breathed a sigh of relief, I'm sure:
My love Henry!!!
I am very happy, that we shall have our meeting.
It is very important for me.......... I shall think that we to have very good time together.
Now I to go to sleep, and I hope that tomorrow in the morning I shall see your letter.
I wish to have good evening.
I kiss you.
Yours tatyana.

Good morning for you!!!

Hello my lovely Henry!!!
How there is your day??????? I very much want that each your day was as if a fairy tale, a fairy tale which when to not come to an end, and I want that your ideas were about me.
I am happy to receive each your letter, let it not so is frequent, but me to please, that I am am waited by the person which to wish to see me. To wish to love me and to meet me as princess:)
I to understand that your day is more borrowed than mine because you to be in the city, you to do the business and consequently your day to pass more quickly.
My day goes not so quickly because in Moscow I to not have friends, and I simply to go one on city. Today I was on the area refers to " MOUNTAINS VOROBEVY ", it really is very beautiful a place, here there is university MIHAIL LOMONOSOV, you when be to hear about it? Here to study it is a lot of people from the different countries, and continents. I when to not think, that Moscow so is beautiful, but now, I am happy that I to see Moscow.
I hope that when I to arrive to you, I can see many beautiful places your country, I to see and hear about your country much, and it always to admire me. I am very raised that up to our meeting to remain ever less than time. On Wednesday July, 25, I shall receive my visa, and already in Thursday, I can fly to you. In Wednesday when I to receive my visa I to inform you an exact times and the terminal when and where I shall arrive. I shall do it so that it was convenient for you. Because I want that we were happy together and had good time. Now I shall go to my hotel of and to take not many rest. But in the evening, I shall necessarily write to you mine letter.
I as hope that I to receive the letter from you. I kiss you also wait for your letter.
For ever yours Tatyana.
Recycling pictures now? I'm guessing there must be a limited collection of images for each identity. Either that, or the scammer's getting sloppy as the crescendo approaches.
How there is your day???????

Well, just getting the library ready for opening at 10, but thought I'd check my email first, and was very happy to see not just 1 but 2 messages from you. Thank you.

I very much want that each
your day was as if a fairy tale

Hopefully not one of the Grimms' though, right? :P

To wish to love me and to meet me
as princess:)

Roleplay, eh? We like role play. You can be the princess, and I'll be the swarthy villain come to rescue you from your innocence.

you to be in the city, you to do the business

Well, 'city' is a pretty grand term for Norwich, but it does have a cathedral and the requisite population, so I guess it's close enough. My days aren't that busy, though, except for some bursts of activity just after schools close and again just at the end of the working day, so I would be happy to hear from you lots more today. Keep sending those pictures, too; they're wonderful, um, 'inspiration'.

Today I was on the area refers to " MOUNTAINS VOROBEVY ",
it really is very beautiful a place

It reminds me a lot of the view from Greenwich Park in London. I'll have to take you there.

I hope that when I to arrive to you, I can see many beautiful places
your country

Oh, that there are. I'm sure you shall see many of them before the end.

On Wednesday July, 25, I shall receive my visa, and already
in Thursday, I can fly to you.

Touch wood nothing goes wrong. It would be awful if your visa were delayed for some reason. - providing an opening

For ever yours Tatyana.

For ever, indeed.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Good evening for you!!!

Hello my lovely Henry!!!
How there is your day today? I was very happy to receive your letter, it to do me very happy, I to not know that to me to do now. You can not trust me and think that I silly, but I should tell to you that I simply to fall in love with you. I not when to not meet such good and kind person as you. I to speak you that I to not have such good people in Russia.
Men of Russia, do not want the wife for itself which will have to love the wife and that she waited for their house. For them it is necessary only the doll which should be as model and they want to have her.
I want to have good and amicable family, I want to wait for the husband after work, to prepare for a supper for him and to divide with him all pleasures and troubles. I
that woman which am created to have family and to love the husband. I shall like all that you to do and I shall accept all that you to allow me. I to think that the man
the owner in the house and the wife should do all that the husband speaks her.
I to be able to prepare very well for fried meat and I to do it for you. I think that
you should not search for good restaurant for our the first meeting, I shall like all
that you to give me. My favourite color green, I very much like flowers and all
vegetation, I very much love our nature.
I to promise you that when we shall have our meeting I shall do by that happy person
all over the world. I you to have will promise you that pleasure every day.
Before reception my visa remained two days and then I can fly to you, I cannot wait
more to see you, I cannot without you any more.
I shall wait for your letter and the hope to receive the good letter from you tomorrow
in the morning. Please write to me more about the plans.
Gentle kisses for you.
Yours Tatyana.
Looks like my silence of the previous day is forgiven without much ado - naturally; wouldn't want to spook the punter. I get to keep being creepy in return:

You can not trust me and think that
I silly, but I should tell to you that I simply to fall in love with you.

Aw, shucks, ma'am. You really shouldn't so such things to so lonely a person as I.

Men of Russia, do not want the wife for itself which will have to love the wife and
that she waited for their house. For them it is necessary only the doll which should
be as model and they want to have her.

See, now, that's just silly. I think Russian men are quite foolish to have such a very narrow view of the utility of women. I personally think that they should be allowed to do far more than just look pretty, and that same opinion is true for at least 1% of the men in the UK - I think you're really going to like it over here.

I shall like all
that you to do and I shall accept all that you to allow me.

You see, women in the West have forgotten their place; you'd be such a good role model for my neighbours' wives, who all just want careers and responsibility and freedom - so ridiculous!

I to think that the man
the owner in the house and the wife should do all that the husband speaks her.

Darn skippy!

Before reception my visa remained two days and then I can fly to you, I cannot wait
more to see you, I cannot without you any more.

I'll admit to being quite keen to see you too. All that talk of pleasure and dinner and subservience is really making quite a favourable impression.

Please write to me more about the plans.

Like I said, there's just no way I can meet you at an airport, but I certainly give you detailed instructions for the route to Norwich from wherever you land, as soon as I know those details. Let me know your plans first...

Gentle kisses for you.
Yours Tatyana.

Ever fonder regards,

Saturday, 21 July 2007


Hello my lovely Henry!!!
Good morning for you!!! How are you? I am very happy to receive your letter and to hear that all goes well and our meeting will be very fast also we can have our really strong and good love in the future.
Today for me there was really very much not a quiet night because I could not sleep from that that I to think of you and about our meeting. I will be valid to think that it very beautifully. In fact we to not know about us almost that and here we shall already have our meeting.
I very romantic person and I very much like romanticism, I am raised by all beautiful and fine. And consequently I to think that our first meeting should be exclusively only when we shall be together. I want to have the first romantic supper together, only you and I. Slow and beautiful music somewhere plays and burn candles. We sit also gentle light shines your and my person and we simply look in the face each other. From light of a candle our eyes burn love and it seems to us that it is the most beautiful eyes all over the world. You hold my hand and I speak that you are really happy from that that we together, and I not can believe the happiness about that that we shall together. The ambassador you take me for a hand we rise also you take me in embraces and we start to dance slowly, looking in the face each other, I think that it really very beautifully
when people carry out such beautiful evening together. You as think?
I do not know as you concern to alcohol. I almost when I do not drink alcohol, but I to think that it is very special case and we simply should have red wine because we can relax and speak all about what we only we think. I know that wine will turn a head and we shall simply enjoy love.
Whether I do not know to like you my letter, but I think that I have told to you about my dream, and you as can tell to me about that that you think. I as want to trust that my letter will not frighten you and you will consider this with due understanding because this that that I to think.
I really to not be afraid of you and my heart prompts me that I to find really very good person, I simply to not have good the man here in Russia and consequently I am simply happy that I to have correspondence with you and in the future we shall have our meeting. I hope that when you to wake up and read this letter. You will be really very happy also you to write to me all that you to think of it.
Have good morning today, and good mood all the day long, and knowing that our meeting very
I kiss you.
Yours Tatyana.
Oh ho! The big guns are out (pun intended)! With a weekend looming, it seemed to make sense to 'Tatyana' to exercise a little titillation to get over the hump of the weekend. When real life intervened with my baiting, and I was a little slow to reply, this slightlyanxious email followed:

Good morning my friend Henry!!!
How are you?
I hope that you well today and you to have the good beginning this week-end. I to understand that you are possible to have now many meetings with your friends or family and consequently
you cannot write to me the letter, but I nevertheless hope to receive your letter very soon.
I hope that you can find time and write to me the letter. I very much hope that you as well as I to require in our meeting and it is really important for you. Today not so a sunny day in Moscow, but I to have good mood because I to have many free time and I can receive your letters, and write the letter to you. I wish you to have good day and good mood.
Health to you and your family............ Your friends............. To all your relatives. I sincerely to wish it.
I shall wait for your letter and I hope that you will write to me very soon. And to speak it is more about itself, about our meeting........ And possible about your feelings.
I kiss you.
Yours Tatyana.

And an even more worried email after that:

Hello my love Henry!!!
Are you there????
Please write me .............I miss you, and wait yours lettres.
Many kisses for you.
Yours Tatyana.
Had I grown wise to the scam? Gotten bored? Where was I? I made quick amends, not wanting to lose this little fishy:

Lovely Tatyana,

I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to respond. The last thing I would want is for you to worry about whether I want this correspondence to continue.

I want to have the first romantic supper together, only you and I.

That sounds lovely. I know just the place. We'll have a lovely time. Just the two of us, getting to know each other, spinning a lovely web of delightful untruths.

to dance slowly, looking in the face each other, I think that it really very beautifully
when people carry out such beautiful evening together. You as think?

Well, as long as you don't mind my two left feet.

I as want to trust that my
letter will not frighten you

No, not at all. It sounds simply lovely. Are you sure you looked at the picture I sent you?

Have good morning today, and good mood all the day long

Thank you, I shall.

Fond regards,

Friday, 20 July 2007


Good evening my lovely Henry!!!
How passes your day today? I hope that you to have good day today and good mood. I very much want that this day has passed well for you and you were happy.
But I as very much wish to trust in that that you to think of me every minute. I very much would like that I was in your heart. Please to answer me if I in your heart? You to think of me now. I really will be to be trusted that our attitudes are very opened
also we can love each other. I to think that it should please each person. I when was not so is happy, as I am happy now. I to think about our meeting, and each moment I to think that it should be very fast.
Today not so good weather in Moscow, it had the sun, but air already cold and people here already to carry an easy jacket. In this my letter I would like to tell to you about my parents. I hope that it interestingly for you?
My mother and my father to live their all life in Russia, they were born in village under the name "VICTORY", it is very old village, I as to be born here. My mother to work its all life as the veterinary, it is very interesting work. When to me there were 7 years, I very much liked to come on its work, and to see as it to help animals, it is very useful work, I to think that animals to love my mother.
I am very similar on my mother on character, I as well as it very courageous, but the kind and gentle woman. I spoke with my mother about my trip to your country, and it was happy know that I can to visit other country. When my mother was young, it could not go to other country because there was a Communism, and it forbade to visit other countries. I hope that you to understand me. My mother to think, that we could find our love, it to trust in my happiness.
My father, its all life to work as the tractor operator, its work to do bread for our country. It was very dear person to the USSR, but now its life is broken also it is very sick now. But I to love my father.
I hope that my letter to like you. I very much wish to be opened for you. I want that you saw all my life, I to think that we should speak more about our life, it to allow us to learn each other.
I very much want that I liked you.I want that you though loved me not much....................... My heart very much to wish to love and be favourite. I to understand that we should see each other.........................
........... Then probably TO LOVE.
I to trust in you and our meeting.
Please to write to me it is more about itself? And your life? About yours parents?
I very much wish to know you...................... I to think you the good person................. I to trust you.
I kiss you also wait for your letter.
For ever yours Tatyana.
Creepy Henry goes into full flow:

Good evening my lovely Henry!!!

And to you, my ingratiating Tatyana.

How passes your day today?

It was a normal working day, so nothing special to speak of. How was your day? Are you enjoying the time off work?

But I as very much wish to trust in that that you to think of me
every minute.

I can honestly say I was eagerly awaiting your next email all day. - the unadulterated truth. I was enjoying this immensely.

In this my letter I would like to tell to you about my parents.

Thank you for telling me about your parents. I'm sure they are fascinating people, all the same.

I spoke with my mother about my trip to your country, and it was
happy know that I can to visit other country.

I am very glad to hear that. Did you tell her my name, and where I live?

Please to write to me it is more about itself? And your life?
About yours parents?

Well, Dad worked down the coal mine, and Mum took in boarders to make ends meet, so I think I understand very well what it's like to struggle through. Many's the time I remember hearing my dear Mum moaning and gasping in the arms of the current lodger, clearly upset about her hard life. They're both passed away now - bless - and although it sometimes comforts me to look in on their bodies, most of the time I just leave them be; they're earned their rest. I don't really that cupboard anyway.

For ever yours Tatyana.

That's very sweet. I shall bid you in kind;

Yours for the rest of your life,
By now, my colleagues were in on the joke, and in hysterics after reading that. I thought it was too much, but I wasn't pleasantly surprised to be wrong.

Good morning for you!!!

Hello my Lovely Henry!!!
How are you? How passed your day? I hope that was good. I O'K today. I miss for you very much. I feel your heat and tenderness. And it only to please me, it to do my heart full of love........................ Love to you. I to not know that occurs to me, but I to think of you each
minute, each second because I wait.......................... I wait when I can see first time you....................... To embrace you and to present my first kiss..................... A kiss of love and caress.
Your letters to speak me that you as to want our meeting, and it more increasing to please me.
I am very glad, that you want to have a meeting with me!!! O'k!!! I will continue to tell to you about me.
I very much like to read. I very much like mystical books or simply a fantasy. My loved author Mihail Bulgakov. Probably you heard about him. His well-known product " Master and Margarita " and this my loved product. Also I like to read the scientific literature. Historical books.
Also I sometimes like to look good film. My loved actor Keanu Rivz. I liked the trilogy "Matrix" with his participation. Recently our Russian films too became interesting. I like our Russian film " Night Patrol ". It is very instructive film.
Also to music that I prefer popular Russian music. My loved Russian group it " Tea of two " from foreign music it is pleasant to me Robert Miles. Sometimes music helps me to relax. I'm really good kisser. You will see it at meeting face to face. O'k?
I want to inform you that I very much love sweet especially ice-cream. And in general from food I prefer Russian kitchen. My loved color green and red or pink also I prefer clothes of these colors. What your loved color? You have hobby? How you relax?
I think that on it is possible to finish my next letter. I shall wait your answer with impatience. I kiss you....................... And my heart to aspire to you, to my love......................... Love for ever.
For ever yours Tatyana.

Hmmm. No picture this time. Wonder if 'Tatyana' is too busy scamming others to do 'her' job properly. Best get some focussed interest back my way:

How are you? How passed your day? I hope that was good.

It was pretty dull after you had to go, I must say. I've been looking forward to your next letter with avid anticipation.

I O'K today. I miss for you very much.

Wow! After just one day? I'm flattered. I didn't realise I was quite that magnetic.

I am very glad, that you want to have a meeting with me!!!

Well, you say the sweetest things. How could I not want to meet the mouth that uttered them?

I very much like to read.
I very much like mystical books or simply a fantasy.

You're going to love my home library, then. I have a HUGE collection of fantasy and horror; so much better than the real world, which is a nasty, brutish place.

My loved author Mihail Bulgakov. Probably you heard about him.

Hehe. "Manuscripts don't burn." So very true for our information age.

Recently our Russian films too became interesting.
I like our Russian film " Night Patrol ".

You're so right. "Night Watch", as it goes by here, was incredible, and I believe the sequel "Day Watch" is already showing in Russia, and will be released here in the next few months. Have you seen it?

Also to music that I prefer popular Russian music.

Tatu is about as close as I've gotten to Russian music. I can't say that it's ever particularly appealed to me, but perhaps you will teach me otherwise. We could make sweet Russian music together.

I'm really good kisser. You will
see it at meeting face to face. O'k?

Let's cross that bridge when we come to it, ok?

What your loved color? You have hobby? How you relax?

I'm not immensely fussed about colour. I suppose, if pushed to it, I might choose red, because it's associated with passion and excitement, and I could do with some of that. I mentioned my hobbies in my last email, but I understand that they might be too boring to remember. Model trains are a little 'anorak'. But they really are famous for just relaxing after a stressful day dealing with the little rug runners in the library. How much more pleasant it would be without the people. All of them.

I kiss you....................... And my heart to aspire to you, to my
love......................... Love for ever.
For ever yours Tatyana.

You do seem to be the unhealthily obsessive type. I could really come to love that in a woman.


Thursday, 19 July 2007

I am very, very happy!!!

Clearly content with the scam so far, this is the closing email from 'Tatyana' for the first day of contact. Not until the climax of the scam will any day contain such a blizzard of bullshit:

My lovely friend Henry!!!
I am very happy to receive your letter and to learn more about you, and to speak about me as. I when earlier to not meet such fine the man as you, and it very much to raise me.......... I shall think that we to have good time together.
Which you to send thanks for really beautiful pictures to me. I very much to like to see where do you live, I was very a pity to me, that to not have many pictures of me and my house, but I shall try to send you of a picture which I to have.
Today I really to have very good day because I to speak with you, and to think that you very good the man.
I to finish my letters for today, and I shall write to you tomorrow.
I hope that you will have good evening today, and gentle night.
I kiss you.
Yours tatyana,

And I was happy I had myself a live one:

I to finish my letters for today, and I shall write to you tomorrow.

I look forward to it.

I hope that you will have good evening today, and gentle night.

You, too, go gentle into that good night.


About me.

And now the first of a succession of generic emails designed to keep me involved in the scam for the week it'll take to mature:

Hello my friend Henry!!!
I am very happy to receive your letter and I am happy to have it now. Really it is very pleasant for me to read that you want and wait our meeting and that you are ready to support me. To me very pleasantly that you can protect me when I to arrive to you. And I shall feel that we to have good time together.
As I already wrote I the lonely woman, and me 27 years. I live and was born in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, I live here all my life, and to me very few countries for this time were possible to look, but I hope that I can see more in your country. I have been given birth in not to the big family and I only have my parents and my sister. My growth of 175 sm, my weight of 56 kg, I really to have a good body.
I have no what children, and I when was not for the husband, but I really hope for that that when be in the future I can create my family and to be very happy woman, it really is my biggest dream. I do not search rich for the man for me therefore. That I to not count that this most important in the man. I think that main this respect and honesty, and love of the husband. The woman - soul of family, in family which the favourite person desired to love, was Long-awaited, which he liked, the family and hastened to the house. It so I think, should Be in family. And on my travel, would be desirable to meet the good man.
I have easy character: I cheerful, kind, interesting. At school I was very cheerful and very interesting girl, I was fond very much of many kinds sports, and I always very much loved employment sports. My sports a favorite it bascetboll, I really very much love this kind of sports, and I frequently to look it on the TV.
After school, I had training at university of the city of Kazan, it is one of the best universities in our country, and for me there was a great honor to finish this university and to have worthy work. But in due course I began to understand that in Russia, the respect for this work is not enough and I have decided to try to find work for myself in your country, but it suffered small not success. And here now, I to try to make it is independent, I really very much hope for it.
My work takes from me a lot of time and consequently, I to try to communicate in the free time more with my close people. I carry out a lot of time with my parents and my sister. She to have the daughter, and her 8 years. She very good girl and I to try to do for her very much much because it is my unique niece and I very much love her. We to go to park and on a beach much, our games are very cheerful, and we to understand each other.
I have received a holiday from work till September, 15.
When in me the free time - is not enough, I - go in in cinema, theatre, etc. I do a meal for me directly. The best way in me appears a potato baked with cheese. I?? many salads because it is good for my figure. I love music, but basically it is radio. Basically I love our Russian executors.
But I cannot tell to you, I love what management, I listen to all on the few. I started to study professional English language several months ago. I love it, and it Very interesting to me. I hope that my English is clear for you and you are good to understand all that I to write to you.
I very much like winter and consequently, I always to choose holiday from work at this time, I to consider that this time in which has many the good moments and consequently I to try to make much at this time.
I hope that my story about itself was interesting to you and you were happy to learn more about me. Please send me more yours pics. Please if you can that write to me as more about yourself and your life? What the entertainment during your life does you?
Have good morning today, and good mood all the day long, and knowing that our meeting very
I kiss you.
Yours Tatyana.

I couldn't keep myself from giggling when I received this email. What woman writes, "I have a very good body"? Since when is it winter in Russia in July? How is a baked potato with cheese anyone's idea of good cooking? Oh, and keep an eye on the pictures she's sending me - they get steadily sexier. I had to start having some fun with this scammer:

To me very pleasantly that you can protect me when I to arrive to you.

Protect you?! You're not in some kind of trouble, are you? I'm just a librarian, never trained in the military, never even owned a toy gun. - and so it begins

And I shall feel that we to have good time together.

Well, I just hope I can live up to your expectations.

That I to not count that this most important in the man. I think that main
this respect and honesty, and love of the husband.

That's very mature of you.

My sports a favorite it
bascetboll, I really very much love this kind of sports, and I frequently to look it
on the TV.

I'm a cricket boy myself, but I do respect the other sports out there. They're all serious athletes, and deserve our respect, especially the hard-working professional wrestlers.

After school, I had training at university of the city of Kazan

Oh? What did you study? Maybe it's something that would help you get work here.

When in me the free time - is not enough, I - go in in cinema, theatre, etc.

Oh, you'll love it here, then. There are independent shows here most nights of the week, and there's the West End in London when that's not enough.

I do a meal for me directly. The best way in me appears a potato baked with cheese.

I'm a meat-and-potatoes man, so a baked potato with cheese is right up my alley. Or pie and mash and jellied eel. Mmmm.

I?? many salads because it is good for my figure.


Very interesting to me. I hope that my English is clear for you and you are good to
understand all that I to write to you.

Certainly better than my Russian! Never fear, I think I get your meaning most of the time.

Please send me more yours pics.

I've attached some pictures of my cottage in Norwich and the town itself, since I have no more of me, I hope you like them. - more random Googling

Please if you can that write to me as more about yourself and your life? What the
entertainment during your life does you?

Like I said, I mostly stay at home and read or watch the telly, but occasionally I'll treat myself and have a short at one of the many, many bars in town, and maybe see a movie. I do have a really large miniature railroad setup that I modelled myself. I can spend hours just watching the trains go round and round and round. It stops the screams in my head. - this is a theme that runs through the remaining emails, inspired by a classic C.S.I. thread

I kiss you.

Steady on! Why don't we meet and see how things go before you go down that route? You need to think of this as a vacation with prospects. That way, you won't be too disappointed.

Thank you for the very interesting email. I think I'm starting to get a clearer idea of your life, and can see why you might grasp at opportunities abroad. I still think you're rushing ahead too quickly but I'm not going to be condescending enough to tell you not to; it is your life, after all, and yours to decide how to live. Just how close are you to your family? But have you spoken to your parents and sister about your decision to come over here? I think they might have some sensible advice for you. - strange man asking about how much your family knows? Warning bells? Not for 'Tatyana'. 'She' can't see past the dollar signs.

Anyway, all the best,

P.S. The pictures attached are my home (the one with the car in front), the bridge near my house, over the river that I go walking along to work and back, and the station in Norwich where I'll meet you if you decide to come stay.


In spite of all my cautions to the contrary, we were now on track for a date:
Hello my dear friend Henry!!!
How your day today? For me the big happiness to receive your letter and to know that you to want our meeting and we can be together. THIS BIG HAPPY. I am happy that you to answer my letters and to inform me the information for me which to me is important. Now when I to know where I to fly and choose the airport, I think that we can to meet and to not have problems with it. I am really happy that you to write to me very good and clear the letter for me. It is fine. I am really happy that I can to have a meeting with you. Your letters kind and beautiful for this reason I to not be mistaken that I to search a meeting with the man from UK, your men is more decent than Russian and consequently I want to have our meeting.
Today I learned more about that when I can take my ticket. To me inform that I can not to take my ticket while I to not have the visa in my hands. It mean that I can to inform you the information on my ticket and an arrival time only July,25 when I to receive my visa.
I think that will be more convenient if I can already fly to you on July, 26 so I shall long not arrive in Moscow and and it will allow me to save my money. What you to think of it?
My visa will work in current three months, but I can remain only for one month therefore. That I shall have holiday from work for two months. If we can really know better each other I really could remain longer and perhaps I could have work in the your country. It would be valid very well for me. I shall take the ticket for me with adapted date of returning, I think that it will be convenient both for me and for you and if we shall have what or problems in our attitudes, I can fly home at any time. I think that it well.
My visa will work on all territories the in your country and if you will want to show me other states your country it would be very good. I really want to see your country and it will be pleasant for me if I can know more about your country and your culture. I to hear about your country much and I to consider that it is the great country. I the sociable woman with easy character And prospect for a life. I love the noisy companies, but also and I like to be on a
nharacter. I think, that you have many beautiful places there. I think that we shall really spend very good time together, I want to communicate with present the man, and to see his attention to me. I think that we shall not have what problems in studying each other, but I nevertheless would like that you wrote to me more about yourself and your life. I as would like to see more yours of a picture, I think that it will help us in the airport when we shall see each other.
I hope that you will have good day today and good mood.
I very much wait for your letter and I hope to receive your answer very
With best regards Tatyana.

This email provides the timeframe of the scammer; 1 week to keep the punter's interest on the boil and bring in the cash. I now knew to expect a request for money on the day the visa comes due. 'She' is also being very careful to check my identity, you'll notice, asking for additional pictures. It's a little obvious, though, that it's a form response, because although I gave a location in my previous email, all 'her' references bar the first are to 'your country' rather than the UK or England. I decided to finish setting the hook before starting to poke fun:

Your letters kind and beautiful for this reason I to not be mistaken that I to search a
meeting with the man from UK, your men is more decent than Russian and consequently
I want to have our meeting.

Well, thank you, that's a lovely compliment. I'm really glad to be such a good representative of British men. I'm not sure that you'd think the same if you actually met some of the men over here, but that's another matter entirely ;)

To me inform that I can not to take my ticket while I to not have the visa in my hands.

That's a fairly ubiquitous rule. - actually, it's typically the other way around, but who was I to argue?

It mean that I can to inform you the information on my ticket and an arrival time only
July,25 when I to receive my visa.

That's not really a problem. Like I said, the room's free anyway, and I have no social life to speak of. You could literally call me from the station when you arrive!

I think that will be more convenient if I can already fly to you on
July, 26 so I shall long not arrive in Moscow and and it will allow me to save my money.
What you to think of it?

That's okay, as long as you're comfortable negotiating your way to Liverpool Street Station from your arrival airport, and then up to Norwich. Your English seems up to the task, at least.

I can remain only for one
month therefore. If we can really know better each other I really could remain longer

That seems reasonable. It's far more likely, though, that we'll find you some work and that you'll get back on your own feet and get together with someone you actually learn to care about.

I shall take the ticket for me with adapted date of returning

That's actually an excellent idea. It would give the the option of returning when your funds run out, or you get tired of England, whichever comes first.

I think
that we shall really spend very good time together

I'll do my very best while you're with me, rest assured.

I nevertheless would like that you wrote to me more about yourself and
your life.

There's not much more to say, to be honest. I eat in most nights, catch the occasional movie - very much the solitary pursuits. I thought I might take a holiday to Australia in a few years, maybe dive off the Barrier Reef, but otherwise, I just keep myself to myself.

I as would like to see more yours of a picture

That's the only one I have, I'm afraid. I'm a little camera shy, and wouldn't even have that one if not for the Librarian of the Month award I got a year or so ago. - and... parry!

, I think that
it will help us in the airport when we shall see each other.

It's okay. You'll stand out at the station - not many girls as pretty as you around here! - and... riposte!

I hope that you will have good day today and good mood.

Thank you. I wish you the same.

All the best,


Again, only a short while had passed before this arrived:

Hello my dear friend Henry!!!
Good day today! How are you? I hope that you perfectly today and your day to become better after you to receive my letter and my picture. I as am very happy that you to answer my letter and you to want to have a meeting with me. Now I am quieter and is happy that I can to use my visa and to visit your country.
For me not to find the most important work in your country, the most important that I want to
find really clean and serious relations. For me important find good the man which can to create serious relations.
Now I would like to tell more about my plans be relative to visit your country. Now I really can receive my visa but it will be only on following week. I to have money to visit your country and to pay my visa. BUT...................
I not have the man which can to meet me in your country and to accept me probably in the house if you to want it? And the man which can show me your country, but the main thing to create serious relations with me.
I am valid to not have what friends or familiar in your country and consequently I can not remain in your country very long independently. I to think that which I will have money to suffice only to 2-3 days. I to understand that it is not enough and consequently I hope that you can help me in it, and can find a place for me remain with you.
Probably then I can find work for me and I can pay my visiting in your country.
Whether I do not know you will like that I shall remain with you? But I hope that you to want to
be with me?:)
I shall receive my visa July, 25, it mean that I can to fly to you already July, 26 if you will love it?
But I as to have some questions for you and I hope that you to answer me my questions very soon because it really very important for me.
July, 26 it is good dates of our meeting? What airport will be better for you to meet me?
I can remain in the in your country for 2-3 days but if you can find a place for me I can remain longer? Please inform where I can remain?
I can buy the ticket in 2 ends, but for purchase of the ticket I should know date of return flight. You inform what is the time want that I remained together with you?

Ok, write to me of more ideas about our meetings. Also send more than your photos if
it probably. I send still a photo of me. I wait with impatience of your prompt reply.

And there it was! The first mention of money only 3 emails in. 'She' had taken the bait, and I could start reeling in, although slowly at first, and having a little fun:
you to want to have a meeting with me. Now I am quieter
and is happy that I can to use my visa and to visit your country.

Well, I actually said that I would not mind you visiting me if you were coming here anyway. BIG difference! - still being cautious here

I want to
find really clean and serious relations.

Is it wise, then, to go to a foreign country to look for that? I would have thought it much more likely that you'd have success building a relationship of that nature with a fellow Russian.

For me important find good the man which can to
create serious relations.

Well, yes, isn't that every sensible women's ideal? :P

I not have the man which can to meet me in your country and to accept me probably in the house

You really shouldn't head over here on such a thin hope, I keep telling you.

I to think that which I will have money to suffice only to 2-3 days.

You're right - that's a horribly short time to be able to stay here, particularly if you've gone to all the effort of organising a visa and plane tickets.

I hope that you can help me in it

I don't know about that - I'm only a librarian after all, and don't make a whole lot of money. I have some savings, of course, but I still think you're being a little rash heading through on such thin hopes. - Hook 3: I have savings! Tasty!

Probably then I can find work for me and I can pay my visiting in your country.

That would be the best way, yes.

But I hope that you to want to
be with me?:)

You seem like a nice enough lass, but we really don't know each other well enough to say, do we?

July, 26 it is good dates of our meeting? What airport will be better for you to meet me?

Well, Norwich has a small local airport, but flights from abroad don't land there. You'd need to come into Manchester or London, and that's too far for me to meet you on a weekday. It would be better if you arrived on a weekend, or you'd need to get a train out to Norwich, and I could arrange to meet you at the station.

if you can find a place for me I can
remain longer? Please inform where I can remain?

Well, if money's an issue, the cheapest place to stay would be mine, as I have a spare room you could use. I don't know how you'd feel about staying in the same house as a relatively unknown single male. If that's a problem, you'd probably be best off staying at one of the hostels, but money is an issue, you say. - Hook 4: I'm offering accommodation, I must be interested

You inform what is the time want that I remained together with you?

Well, that's completely up to you. Like I said, I have a room going spare anyway, so you could stay as long as you wanted, or could bear my idiosyncracies.

Also send more than your photos if
it probably.

I've attached a quick picture of me, so you know what I look like too. See, nothing as attractive as you. - courtesy of a Google Image search under librarian. My apologies to Douglas Black, but his picture just fit the profile I was creating too perfectly.

Hope that's all helpful.
